Some Great Things with Serious Lip Balm: A Side Note BLip by Gemma Long
We've decided to start handing over the reigns of this blog to some of our nearest and dearest and one of them is Gemma Long. Gemma has been working with us for years and she's going to be stopping by with some words of wisdom from time to time to talk about business things (we love to learn from her), life things (can't we all use tips?), things that Serious Lip Balm is doing (because sometimes we get nervous talking about ourselves) and other great stuff as well.
Here we goooooooo....
"Serious Lip Balm does good for Springfield and Jacksonville communities.
In 2018, Serious Lip Balm raised $450 during a one-day event in collaboration with a coffee shop in Springfield. The team invited Facebook fans to nominate teachers from anywhere in the US, and owners, Khara and Megan, picked a winner – a teacher - that purchased outdoor play equipment for her students with money raised.
Serious Lip Balm is also passionate about their friend, Stacey Skrysak’s Triple Heart Foundation, which began with a surprise that changed course but blossomed into a foundation that serves families whose children are healing and growing in the NICU. Serious Lip Balm has helped and supplied Triple Heart Foundation with lip balms to include in packs for NICU parents during their baby’s stay. Serious Lip Balm has a dedicated gift box on the website with a percentage of proceeds going to the foundation.
The Jacksonville Bookmobile serves the children of the Jacksonville community and provides them with the materials and excitement that they desperately need to further their love for reading and learning. Serious Lip Balm helped support the bookmobile through a donation of $1,000.
Serious Lip Balm also raised and donated funds giving a percentage of sales from either a specific product or time to Camp Lions, the Mia Ware Foundation , Land of Lincoln Honor Flight, and Compass for Kids.
Serious Lip Balm has provided endless lip balms and baskets of products for giveaways, raffles, and prizes for fundraisers in Jacksonville and Springfield and the team is more than happy to do so time and time again.
Serious Lip Balm provides lip balms to homeless shelters and warming centers in Springfield and Jacksonville, Illinois.
Last year, at the height of lockdown in the US, Serious Lip Balm raised funds, thanks to customers, supporters, family, and friends that donated funds to help purchase lip balms for healthcare workers at HSHS St John’s Hospital, Memorial Hospital, and a Grand View Hospital, a hospital in Khara's hometown area. In total, Serious Lip Balm gave out over 3000 lip balms to healthcare workers to thank them for their service.
Many thanks to Gemma Long of Gem PR & Media for this piece. Gemma, and