Seriously Great Humans: Andy the Wholesale Guy
Serious Lip Balm is more than just an all natural and handmade lip balm company, my friends – it is a professional and well-run cast of characters that not only get the joy of working together to bring you a long list of awesome body products but are amazing humans that we think you should get a chance to know.

Today we give you the one and only Andy Surratt, our favorite wholesale rep who has an amazing laugh and an even better ability to hug. He keeps us giggling with his incredible stories, awed at his prowess with cleaning products and openly laughing at his hilarious antics with his wife Manda. Here’s a little bit about Andy in his own words –
Name: Andy "El Rampano Blanco" Surratt
Sign: Slow Children at Play
If you had to enter a competitive eating contest for a food, what food would it be? Tacos, Burritos or Pizza, but not Taco/Burrito Pizza
Favorite Color: Just Green
What celebrity do you most resemble? Most of them prior to plastic surgery
What is the punchline to your favorite joke? ***REDACTED***
What do you do at Serious Lip Balm? Wholesale, Emulsified Products Assembler and Quality Control Agent
What do you want people to know about working at Serious Lip Balm? Making and selling product is fun, but meeting the people who use it and sell it in their stores is fantastic. Also, it's more fun to work with your friends than it is to work for your friends.
If people want to talk to you, how do they find you? andy@seriouslipbalm.com and/or call/text 309-232-8615
He's just the best... and if you want to know about Bigfoot, he's your guy.