SERIOUS MAGIC: Elm City Rehabilitation Center
We are, for lack of a better term... lucky. I mean, don't get me wrong, we work our asses off, but we've also been amazed by the way the world falls into place to support us. The SERIOUS MAGIC series is where we want to take a minute to tell you about some of the awesome people, places and events that have given our business a boost. We wrote about this magic once before and you're about to hear a lot more!

Up next... ELM CITY REHABILITATION CENTER. If you know anything about us, you know how much with love Elm City, a place where beautiful humans who have physical, mental and emotional setbacks can get employment as well as receive support and resources to make their lives even better. Elm CIty has worked with us since 2016 in varying capacities and WE LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. From labeling our products to helping with production to petting our dogs, we would be NOWHERE without them. Check out this video made several years ago by Alan Shawgo to see how wonderful this relationship is:
That, my friends, is magic. SERIOUS MAGIC.